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Burned as incense, the absinthe protects against the malefic energies and favors the clear-sightedness.

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Ginger (Rhizoma Zingiberis)

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a species of plant native to India, belonging to the genus Zingiber and the family Zingiberaceae, whose rhizome is used in cooking and in traditional medicine


Ginger is a great ally in rituals for success, power, love and money.


Before your rituals, inhale its pungent fragrance and visualise it stimulating your physical body, contracting your muscles and consequently producing bioelectric energy. It is a stimulant for your magical powers.

Linked to the element of fire and the planet Mars, ginger will help you to :

- Bringing in money

- Courage

- Self-confidence

- Success

- Purification

- Aphrodisiac

Herbs to burn on charcoal or to keep in cloth bags - Ideal for your rituals


Planet : Mars

Element : Fire

Sold in bags of 20 g  

Do not ingest

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