The sweet bedstraw (Galium odoratum (L.) Scop.) or sweet woodruff (from its former name, before being reclassified in the genus Galium by botanists, Asperula odorata) is a species of herbaceous plant in the Rubiaceae family.
The plant is sometimes referred to as Little Lily of the Valley or Wood Queen and more rarely as Swiss Tea or Star Flower.
In the past, this plant was used to stuff cushions and mattresses. Legend has it that the mother of Jesus put it in the cot before she laid her child down, hence its nickname "virgin grass".
Linked to the element of fire and the planet Mars, the Scented Bedstraw will help you to :
- Bag making to attract money and prosperity
- Spells for victory (sport, combat ...)
- Protection against all evils (in a leather bag)
- Covering an altar, circle, ritual space to disperse negative energy and purify
- Peaceful sleep
Sold in 20 g sachet
Do not swallow