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Cauldron with Triquetra - 10 cm

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Chaudron en fonte, outil indispensable aux sorcières pour préparer potions, brûler des herbes ou encens, effectuer des rituels ...

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Cast Iron Witch Cauldron - Triquetra

This magical 3-legged cauldron is an essential accessory for making potions, burning herbs or incense - Two embossed Triquetra


It symbolises the womb of the mother goddess, the place where life is born. You can use it for: concocting your potions, boiling your herbs, burning your offerings or as an extra incense burner (on sand or earth). The cauldron can also be used as a divination tool: filled with water, it becomes the magic mirror of the witch.

Lid - Metal handle - 3 feet - Heat resistant

Height : 12.5 cm

Diameter of 10 cm


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