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veneer root

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The root of lovage is burned in the censer to attract the magic of love and to hunt the evil spirits.

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Root of Livèche (Levisticum officinalis) 


Liver, or mountain hemp, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family. It grows in the Alps, Pyrenees, Central Europe and the Caucasus below 1,800 m above sea level.


Other vernacular names: Levistic officinal, Lavas, Perpetual celery, Bastard celery, Mountain celery, Seseli, Mountain angelica, Maggi grass.



The Root of Livèche helps with purification, wisdom and protection:

Chase away evil spirits

Attracts luck in love



Planet: Mars - Mercury


Elements: Air


Sold in bags of 30 g


Herbs for burning on coal or storing in cloth bags 


Do not ingest

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