Sage (Salvia officinalis)
The sage officinal (Salvia officinalis) is a sub-shrub of the Lamiaceae family, often cultivated in gardens as a condimental and officinal plant or simply for the beauty of its foliage and flowers. It is also called sacred herb or European tea.
Its name is already a kind of efficiency diploma since salvia comes from the Latin salvare which means "save","heal"; it is one of the sacred plants of the ancient ones.
Sage, a great protector, promotes healing, luck and prosperity:
Purification (ritual) - Cleaning of negativity (for tools, stones, crystals, places, people, aura)
Healing - Healing
Protection - Protection
Wisdom (concentration - clairvoyance)
- Chance
Research Esprits-guide and Animals-totem
Gods / Goddess: Zeus
Planet: Sun - Mars - Jupiter
Element: Fire - Air
Sold in bags of 10 g
Herbs for burning on coal or storing in cloth bags
Do not ingest