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» » Herbalism
The Earth: Secrets

These plants, flowers or roots are burned in a censer on charcoal, like resin incense.

Each of these herbs has its own properties, such as purification, protection, healing, clairvoyance, love.....


To use in incense, in the bath or during your rituals


Not for pharmaceutical use and must not be ingested

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Discover absinthe and its protective and anti-wrinkle properties
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Burned as incense, the absinthe protects against the malefic energies and favors the clear-sightedness.
For your rituals and magical works, the Acore will bring success and healing
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Acore improves the spiritual, ideal perception for the meditation - Cure - Success
Motherwort is a good luck charm and allows you to achieve what you want
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With its five leaves for the 5 magical energies love, prosperity, wisdom, strength and health
Discover Aperula and its rich and purifying properties
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Burned as incense, woodruff brings victory, protection and money
Herbs for burning as incense, use in natural and ritual magic
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Protect against the negative vibrations and for the disinfection of the rooms of the patients
Ideal in ritual or for your magic works: the Cedar brings protection, harmony and money
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To burn as incense. It strengthens the self-confidence
Sandalwood exerts a calming effect, promotes meditation and also has a purifying effect.
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White sandalwood conjure up evil spell and break bad luck
Herbs to burn as incense, use in natural magic and ritual
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It exercises a painkiller effect, favors the meditation and also has a purifying effect. Burned as incense, it will help you to create an erotic atmosphere.
Camomile will bring: Sleep - Protection - Inspiration - Healing - Strength - Strength - Chance
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Sleep, strengthening of the loving links, the purification
Catauba brings relaxation, anti-stress and positive thoughts
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Favor the relaxation at the level of the psychological stress. It makes you open to the good sides of the life and returns the positive thoughts
Herbs for burning as incense, use in natural and ritual magic
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Citronella brings the psychological calm necessary for meditation and purification.
Herbs to burn as incense, use in natural magic and ritual
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Coriander clears our thoughts and thus helps to solve problems
Herbs to burn as incense, use in natural magic and ritual
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Cumin protects against evil spells and curses
Herb to burn as incense, use in natural magic and ritual
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Fight against the negative influences - Protection - Cure - Vitality - Luck - Money - Health
To use for your rituals, in natural magic or to carry on oneself
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Nettle is the plant par excellence for protection against occult forces.
Eucalyptus is mainly used in healing and protective rituals.
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Used especially in incenses of cure. As we say that it takes away evil spirit, he(it) is used in incenses of protection.
La Fleur de Rose : brûlée comme encens elle provoque l´affection tendre et crée une ambiance érotique.
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Burned as incense it causes the affection to aim and creates an erotic atmosphere.
Tree with a thousand legends and many magical properties
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Elderberry is one of the most magical of all plants and, according to old folk belief, can ward off negative influences from the house, yard and stable.
Ginger is a powerful stimulant of your magical powers
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Burned as incense, the absinthe protects against the malefic energies and favors the clear-sightedness.
Use nettle seeds for protection and to stir up love.
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Nettle is the plant par excellence for protection against occult forces.
Utiliser le Fenouil pour tous vos travaux de protection, de guérison et de et de purification
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Fennel is used for protection and also attracts money.
Number of products : 41